There is an absolute heavy energy about the atmosphere today. Please use this 11 minute routine from Donna Eden as an opportunity to clear and reset yourself. This routine will bring you vitality, as will her amazing personality.
Lots of love,
The Journal
There is an absolute heavy energy about the atmosphere today. Please use this 11 minute routine from Donna Eden as an opportunity to clear and reset yourself. This routine will bring you vitality, as will her amazing personality.
Lots of love,
Many of us are aware there is a new age upon us. A new time. Through this shift are coming new ways of being, a new way of doing things. In the Kundalini yoga technology I study, it's known as The Aquarian Age.
This shift is prevalent in all areas of my life, and especially when it comes to building my business.
I've always been an intuitively-driven person. Always. Yet when I stepped into entrepreneurship again, the arena had changed. So much online marketing and content…it is enough to make my head explode!!
I've spent the last two years "working" to create something. An online course, an e-book, many things in many iterations.
It'd been like pulling teeth.
I simply could not get it out. I wasn't exactly paralyzed, simply nothing felt right. As someone who works intuitively, if the feeling isn't there, it's is not going to happen.
So here I am, two years later, still feeling into it all.
I trust the timing and know the alignment will come when it's correct.
I know there is a platform for me, a simple, yet effective way to connect with you all that is in alignment with who I am and the experience I hold so dear.
Creating an experience is key for me. Interaction, energetic connection + alignment allow me to be authentic and share my message with clarity.
Admittedly, the past year has been fits + starts as I see what's possible for my work.
Please share your ideas and be patient with me. Alignment is critical when creating sustainable, life-impacting work.
Tracy xx
This is a stream of consciousness from Sunday.
Why is it always so tough to hit publish?!
The wind + raining are whipping against the house and windows like it's all about the blow down a la Little Red Riding Hood. It's a great cosy day. I've spent the morning finally diving in Rise Sister Rise, the second book by Rebecca Campbell that I am devouring because it's as though she wrote it with my words.
I'm in the tub with my citrine, carnelian + drops of Living Libations Epiphany Elixir, because today is the day. I can feel it. This rain and wind is symbolic.
I've been in Newfoundland five weeks. Here's the thing - I've not really reached out to anyone. Not a single soul. I've been going about my days and "settling in", when the truth of the matter is I realize, I've been hiding.
I thought I'd done the work to be ready to move back here. What I KNOW, and seemingly forgot, is that the work is never complete. It's not one and done - BOOM, life is rosy and I'll never have to deal with that again.
No. Leadership, living your authentic Self is a moment to moment, day in, day out process of doing and being in the work.
You see, since coming back, I've been in my old stories of people thinking I'm weird. Of not having anything to offer because what I'm into, no one really understands….and not only will they not understand, they know me as the 20 year old person who used to live here, so surely God they are not going to believe me or trust me. Blah blah blah.
None of that is who I am today.
I am a spiritually-driven mentor and leader. Someone who stands for possibility and greatness in others because you can live a life of your choosing and be happy. I know this to be true because I'm living proof!
I didn't move ALL the way across the country to hide and stay quiet.
I'm here to be an anchor of light, to inspire others to find and shine their light through their own unique gifts + talents. To heal anything that is holding you back, remove the blocks, clear the past so you can live into your legacy and create your contributions to the planet.
So there it is.
The truth is this :: I'm here because this is what is required right now. I was guided to move, so here I am. I am spiritually obedient, so chose the reassignment.
Yes, I was reassigned - isn't that so cool?!!
I trust all is as it needs to be. I'll connect with the correct people, find a space to hold workshops, attract my people.
This rain is a much needed cleanse. It's washing away my fear + doubt, my 20 year old bumbling Self, the dark giving way to the Light.
Shine my friends. SHINE!
Well, that was a TRIP!
Mike, Willie, snacks and music. We hit the road and drove clear across Canada!! Seriously from the Pacific to the Atlantic. We chose this option as soon as we decided to move to NL, knowing it was a unique opportunity.
Update: We've arrived safe + sound in St. John's, NL.
To bring anyone up to speed who missed it, we have moved from Vancouver to St. John's - a life choice that we are SO happy to have made.
Aug 29th we packed up the Outback, and headed East. After a pit stop at Willie's vet, who I shed tears saying goodbye to, we drove to Revelstoke for the night. Our first of many incredible stops after days filled with driving, laughter, picture taking while hanging out the car window, and more Tim Horton's coffee, bagels + timbits than I can count!
I seriously drank more Tim's coffee in 10 days than have in the past 10 years. And for this coffee snob…it. was. painful.
Let me say straight up, this was the trip of a lifetime. When we told people we were driving across Canada, they thought we were crazy. Like certifiably nuts… having completed the trip drama-free, I can unabashedly say, it was without a doubt, one of the greatest vacations I've ever taken.
Our country is spectacularly beautiful, with so much culture and so much to see. I learned a ton about small communities (like EVERY small town has a french fry truck!) mined my own Amethyst in Thunder Bay, stopped to see road-side buffalo in Saskatchewan, and managed to order breakfast in a small, french-speaking town.
Most of all, my time with Mike + Willie were some of the best times I've had all year. Early morning walks in random towns, lunch pee pit stops and tired dinner decision evenings made for unforgettable memories.
How we enjoyed (LOVED!) what could have been a hugely stressful time:
Here are some of the snaps I took along the way. Enjoy! xo
Revelstoke - came with a bear warning.
Canmore - The Three Sisters in their angelic glory
The open road...
Mining Amethyst!
Beautiful Quebec City
LOVED sweet Riviere du Loup!
Coffee with these two during our last morning in Halifax.
a View from the Cove….
Whoa, talk about creating your future.
Always one to serve it straight up, important to get to it upfront - Mike and I are moving to Newfoundland. We are beyond excited for a more simple, slower lifestyle, being closer to family, and creating new possibilities with lasting impact.
Choosing the name for my business was an interesting experience. I went back and forth for months. and months. and months. How am I to know what people will respond to? My last name is tough to spell, people always screw it up, and a View from the Cove is long. ugh…
Then it hit me like lightening.
Where I am now and who I've become is because of who I am --- my roots, my heritage, my family and most of all, my parents. My core values stem from having solid leaders in my life from day one.
Portugal Cove is the town I (mostly) grew up in. It's a beautiful place, about 10 minutes outside of St. John's. It's right on the Atlantic Ocean on the East Coast of Canada. It's motto is: Where the sun meets the sea. The view is expansive and goes on for what seems like ever. When you're from there, you call it The Cove.
The name fit in many ways: who I am + where I come from, the View relating to vision and perspective. Perfect. Of course it would lead to something bigger.
January 1st, that bigger arrived.
On a walk in Pacific Spirit Park, Mike turns to me and says, " Let's move to Newfoundland…" To say my jaw dropped in an understatement. Though, truthfully, it came as no surprise.
What I know from igolu: Everything After “I AM” Creates. What you say, you are. You speak your future moment to moment. I named my business a View from the Cove…. get it?!!
A view of The Cove.
Even more exciting, I am living into and creating my vision - water, stunning nature, being closer to family, hiking, gardening….the list goes on and on.
We created our future in more ways than we ever thought possible.
This is such an exciting time for us - keep your eye on the blog or sign up for my newsletter for regular updates and to track our travels. We're driving across Canada!
Happy Monday!
xo Tracy
It's August already - how did that happen?!
If you know me, you know I'm passionate about functional products that are high quality. As much as possible, I shop local as I'm a huge stand for small business and supporting your local community. Many of my friends are up to cool shit and manifesting their dream lives by contributing in a cool way, so I'm adamant about supporting them as well.
Here's what I'm loving so far this summer:
Ilana Cohen Brookes Jumpsuit from Oliver + Lilly's.
My Kundalini Gowns by the sweet Myrah have been a staple for months now. The summer line is dreamy!
My skin takes a beating walking the dog in the sun, then being in air conditioning so much. Pura Botanicals keeps my skin hydrated + protected from the elements. I adore the Neroli Eye Roll, Overnight Watermelon Mask + the Countess Cleansing Nectar.
A purist at heart - I've been wearing Birkenstocks since 1990 when my brother called me a granola. Changing it up this year with the three strap in navy.
I'm obsessed with getting the end of the day environmental garbage off my skin. Tata Harper's Purifying Cleanser from Kiss + Makeup has just been added to my nightly ritual.
Since I typically go au natural from a make up stand point, Kjaer Weis Organic Lip Tint + W3ll People's Bio Extreme Mascara are all I need.
My hair is typically crazy in the summer - maybe even all year round. I've been taming + conditioning it with Nucifera THE BALM and am in LOVE!
Still on my wish list for summer:
This Heidi Merrick swim suit + top. Who am I kidding, I'll take one of everything on her site!
New Raen polarized sunglasses
This Clyde sun hat from Oliver + Lilly's
Enjoy these gorgeous evenings + the sunshine on your face!
xo Tracy
This post was originally written in March 2016.
Thanks for the outpouring of comments, questions and love from my Feb 14th post. I wrote this piece shortly after, and hitting publish simply didn't feel right until now.
Watch for a free document to come on how to design + create your relationship (for real, not just weird talk!)
Some background - prior to meeting Mike, I really didn't date for YEARS. Like I'm talking 8 or 9 years. My massage therapy career was busy - I travelled every 3 weeks, for 3 weeks, and during my time at home, I ran a very successful private practice. I'd meet guys, and if I knew right away, on an instinctual level that they weren't who I was looking for, there would be no second date.
Seriously, why waste my time, or his?
I hadn't been in a relationship for so long, that it became a conversation every time I visited my family. I swear my poor grandmother thought I was going to be a single spinster forever.
Mike and my partnership became clear very early on in our relationship. I worked a lot of evenings and would get home late (10pm some nights) He'd be up waiting for me, ready to watch Law + Order SVU. He'd always fall asleep before the end, and that didn't matter to me at all. The reality was, the effort was there.
I don't know how long we'd been dating (a year or more for sure) and we moved in together.
Later on that year, we bought a condo in downtown Toronto, and I realized it was time to leave my job for an opportunity at lululemon.
At the time lululemon was a growing company and I had goals to be there long term. Everyone began their time at the company working on the retail floor. I'd be leaving my well paying corporate job for $10/hour.
I remember talking to Mike about it and he said: " Do it. It's a long term thing and as long as you can pay your own bills (car + visa) I'll take care of the rest….What comes around goes around and you might have to do it for me someday."
Fast forward 3 years, and city or province unseen, Mike + I were on a plane to looking to buy a home in Vancouver. A new opportunity was coming my way with lululemon, and as divine timing works, Mike was being transferred within his company.
He'd never been to BC or Vancouver before, and he trusted me when I told him he'd love it. He moved out 2 months before me, and quickly adapted to the healthy, outdoorsy, laid-back lifestyle.
The home we purchased on that trip would become another critical piece of our partnership.
When it seemed circumstances with his job were changing, Mike's next goal was to open a Spinning studio. The spinning-only focus would be the first of it's kind in Vancouver. So, of course I said Go for it!
We sold our condo and rented so his goal of opening the studio would come to fruition. Partnership.
In all of these examples, we are choosing. Talking through (connecting) what it will look like, then aligning. Holding hands, and moving forward, come what may.
We're aligned. That means no opportunity to turn around and say "I told you so" if something doesn't work.
My job change, the move out West, opening the studio. It's all choice + part of the life we are creating. More importantly, it's the relationship we are creating. The good + the bad, the ease + the stress.
Jesus, how did we get to April 16th?
I was on such a roll at the start of the year - writing consistently, putting myself out there, speaking my truth.
Then February hit and life got so darn busy. I understood what it means to be in overwhelm, and couldn't see a way out of it. I was sick for a couple of weeks, and the catch up damn near took me out! Of course my writing and self expression suffered.
Writing that, I'm realizing it literally suffered - I lost my voice for 5 days, then again for another couple once it came back.
I missed writing. It was a part of my week I looked forward to. I've always loved writing and more specifically, sharing.
I'm a natural story teller. I come by it honestly. My Dad tells stories like a champ...he remembers dates and days, and won't move on until he's sure he's stated it correctly. "Now that was on a Thursday, or was it a Wednesday?......No, no, it was Thursday..."
I love sharing things I love - be it a physical item that everyone needs to know about, a story that will give a laugh, and experience I've had that relates to something you're going through so may support you in some manner. I'm a sharer.
Now that I've got my head above water, my commitment is to sharing regularly again. Writing little pieces that may support you in some way. Or may not.
We all get what we need when we need it.
Here's to connecting more + staying above.
Promise to keep sharing!
A rare Friday blog heading into this weekend.
(this is what works for my relationship + not necessarily yours.) Some things to consider….
Sunday is Valentine's Day, and there's been much talk about it this year - clients asking me if Mike and I are doing anything, buying each other gifts.
Flat out - we're not.
It's not that we don't love each other, it's simply that our life + relationship is designed that we don't wait to show our love because of a holiday. We don't wait to give a gift until the calendar says it's a good time to do so.
Our partnership (and I use that word specifically) creates the space for love + generosity. It's one of our core values, so we better damn make sure it's happening.
We've worked hard to create a true partnership. Our vision + goals, day to day routine is all designed to support one another to be our best.
We've always gotten comments about how happy we are. Well, duh..I wouldn't have it any other way! That doesn't mean our lives are perfect + neither of us is without faults (believe me, I can be bitchy when I'm in a funk!) And, life is too short to be in an unhappy relationship.
SO we create happiness.
Notice create.
It hasn't always been easy. We've worked hard. Moved through a lot of shit….and we've always done it together. Because we're partners in this life. Creating a relationship we choose, no matter what people think of it.
:: Yes, we go to bed before 9pm (ideally)
:: Yes, we get up at a crazy-early hour (or sometimes sleep in if sleep is what's required)
:: Our idea of weekend fun is being together + watching Suits
:: We each have our own hobbies
:: We are independent + always encourage the other to take time for ourselves
:: We have complete trust in each other
:: He eats vegetarian because I cook + don't eat meat
Doing what we do best…hanging out together.
So here's the thing. It's not perfect. It's creation in every moment + it's what we each choose. Our lives are incredibly busy, and we always make time to be together. Frankly, it's what we love to do the most, be together. We don't require a holiday for that to be the case.
It's not flashy or fancy, it's built on love, respect + generosity. What can I do today to make your life a little easier. To allow you to be your best self?
I'll take that any day of the week.
Happy Friday,
We are all human, having a human experience. There are days + times, when things simply do not go our way. We feel "off", our sense of self is missing (hello…where did I go?!) and our life, that seemingly had so much flow, becomes much harder. Like trudging through quicksand.
In my experience, throughout these times, I'm tired, my drive to get things done diminishes, well, tanks, really + the couch with Downton Abbey seems like a much better idea than just about anything.
Yet, the reality is, this is not me. It's not who I am and is a big, neon blinking sign that I need to snap out of it.
Given the work I do, whenever I'm caught in this spiral, I typically know there is an energetic reason. For all of us, our reasons are as unique as how it shows up, yet I know for me, I've picked something up along the way that simply is not mine.
My vibe is low, and it is not good.
You see that….this type of shit happens all the time and it takes rigorous self awareness, + a lot of discipline to right myself.
We live in a close society, meaning connection is happening all ways.
Today I thought I'd share some ways that work for me to get myself out of this funkiness:
Being In Nature || If you've read any of my blogs, this is no surprise. Walking in the woods, climbing over rocks + strolling along the sea clears my field + allows me to come back to centre.
Meditation || Though meditation is a daily ritual for me, when I'm in a funk, it takes something far more, to intentionally clear + ground myself on a different level. This chakra cleanse meditation by Belinda Davidson is one of my favourites.
Space Clearing || Get the energetic junk out. Opening all of windows + doors, saging every nook + cranny of my space, then burning incense to rejuvenate.
Sweat It Out || There's nothing like a good sweat to get me back into my body, moving through all the feelings, and landing back on my feet with renewed gusto. It's a physical clearing for my body + mind that gets me more clear + able to distinguish my energy vs someone else's energy (There's that, " I feel off sensation")
Community || Calling in the big guns is sometimes required. I have some dependable friends + colleagues I lean on when I can't shake off whatever is going on with me. They zero-in and get to the heart of the matter quickly so I can clearly see what's needed and choose to move through it quickly. Sometimes you simply need to talk it out to arrive at the conclusion.
Candles || Another element of nature. I find fire so calming. The glow, the focus, all aspects are super cleansing to me. (I am a Sagittarius!!) I burn beeswax candles as often as possible to reap the benefit of it's properties.
Cards, Crystals, Oils || Each day I intuitively choose any crystals + an oil that will support whatever is headed my way. In times of a deeper funk, I'll create a crystal grid, to call in the combined energies to clear what needs to shift. Some days more is needed than simply carrying a crystal in my bra!
What nourishes you + pulls you up when you need a lift? Be kind to yourself + create reliable ways to correct yourself.
Explore this + more in my group series beginning March 9th.
Love, Tracy