Elevating the Game(s)

Sometimes a project, intended adventure or life circumstance requires a bold request.

A bold request, in the igolu curriculum, is a specific request of an individual that is considered outside of societal norms.  It tends to elevate the possibility of a person or of a project.

This is not every day conversation.  This is big + bold and something that you know is going to quantum leap your project, circumstance or life forward.  Why simply jump when you can take a LARGE leap.

I moved to Vancouver 10 years ago because of a job promotion with lululemon.  The company was young, growing rapidly and the fun, fast-paced environment was incredible.  I was working like a crazy woman, doing 3 roles, and not even batting an eyelash.  It was a blast.

It was also 2008 and the 2010 Olympic Games were heading to Vancouver in 18 months.  One of my responsibilities was the then-exisitng Elite Ambassador Program, which was the companies support of amateur + Olympic athletes.  With the Olympics quickly approaching, having an individual dedicated to that role was absolutely critical.  My boss + I had both been doing it off the side of our desks, and the responsibility of the Olympic plan was looming.  (a definite fml moment)

We'd been talking for months about hiring someone.  MONTHS.  Of course we were so busy, it never happened.

Weeks + months passed.  Product to be created, parties to be planned, homes to be rented.  

Sitting at my bosses desk one day, I told him I had a bold request.  OK… was the response.

Let's sit in a room one day next week and create a vision for who we want to hire for the Olympics.  Get clear on details and law-of-attraction this person.  (let's quantum leap this thing!!)

We enlisted the support of our training partner, sat in a room for hours and got crystal clear on who we wanted:  female, ex-skier, fun, someone we'd want to hang out with.  Someone logistical (or at least better logistically that either of us! haha)  The list went on and on.  I believe we also created a semi-clear job description that day too.

Three days later, the call came.  

A couple of weeks later, the candidate arrived at our office for her interview.  We went to Starbucks and I ordered a quad grande Americano.  Our friendship took off from that point.  

When I returned to the office, a colleague of mine commented that I looked like I was in love.  The look was a combination of excitement at attracting the best possible person for the job, and knowing a bold request was the catalyst for incredible things about to be created.

A moment of no-more-messing-around nice girl, gave way to an unforgettable experience and the connection with an extraordinary human being.

 Crazy early morning at the Today Show.


Crazy early morning at the Today Show.

Where can a bold request elevate you, someone around you, or a project you're working on?

Interested in learning how to powerfully complete projects while leading others?  igolu level two group sessions are launching soon.  Stay tuned!


Integrated Leadership

I've always been such a go-getter.  Always the first to say YES, I jumped into projects, onto teams, joined clubs in grade school.  Ahh, this will be so fun I'd think.

As I entered the work world, same same.  Hell YES to a fun project, I'd be the biggest cheerleader, rally the team, throw out ideas during a brainstorm, raise my hand for responsibility and be sooooo excited! (Can't you feel my excitement?!)  

Everyone would be so pumped at what was to come because I was so pumped.   

Then I'd go back to my (school or work) desk and freeze.  Like  f r e e z e.  I'd stare at the computer screen, think about calling that person or maybe scheduling a meeting.  Ohhh, maybe I'll write up some notes on the ideas.  Or I'll look up possible uniforms.

…and I'd procrastinate.  Fiddle around, find other things to do, and essentially, pretend the task at hand would get done….  later.  There's always later.

I never got into action.

It became a problem.  I'd stress.  People would ask for updates + know I was bullshitting them.  I hadn't done anything, so I was making stuff up.

Eventually, it all happened at the 11th hour.

After going through years of this, thinking I was lazy and labelling myself as a procrastinator, I learned there is a natural cycle to how projects evolve.  We all have an affinity to one of the cycles, and certainly, we all see where we need support.

I'm a BIG Connect + Align person.  The first cycle.  I require all the context, the history, the reasoning, the WHY and the intended outcome.  Give me all the goods, enrol me in the why, and I'll deliver in spades.  I'll knock it out of the park.

Be vague, provide no context, try to pull the wool over my eyes, and you'll get nothing.  There will be no action.  nadda.  Nothing will happen between now + our next meeting.

W H E W.  

What a friggen weight off to know what I require and to understand that I am responsible for getting the information.  Asking a lot of questions up front, be 100% aligned on the project or idea, know the intended outcome and it's reason…all information that can be shared during the initial conversation.

All information that will enrol me and get me into action!!

On the flip side, I've learned that when I lead a project, having the correct people on the team - people who will hold me accountable to action and by-when dates in crucial.  Working with individuals who know when I'm stuck and will ask what I require to continuing moving forward is critical to balance my leadership and ensure success for all of us + our project.

Want to dig deeper into yourself as a leader?  Interested in leading yourself + others through a successful project?  Curious which cycle you naturally gravitate towards?

Curious about who you are for others + how this impacts your leadership?

Curious about who you are for others + how this impacts your leadership?

Join me for an igolu level two call series.  Integrated Leadership launching soon!

Love, Tracy xo




Forest Bathing

As I mentioned in this post, my goal last year was to spend more time in nature. (Which I did!)  I've always loved the outdoors.  When I was young and we'd visit my grandparents in Newfoundland, I remember spending hours outside amongst the rocks during low tide.  Seeing the little pools of water and whatever was in there (usually starfish!) was so much fun.

As an adult, trail running became a favourite activity.  Feeling the ground beneath my feet, smelling the trees and being in the deafening silence rejuvenated me.  It still does.  A few times a week, I load Willie into the car, drive 10 minutes + head into the trails.  I emerge with a clear head, inspired + bursting with ideas.  

A typical Sunday morning.

A typical Sunday morning.

Little did I know, this is a Japanese tradition known as Forest Bathing.  This blog landed in my inbox earlier this week + I realized my city-life reprieve is very on trend.

In a day + age where we are constantly bombarded by everything - noise, ads, television, smart phones, it's no surprise one of the top trends in the spa industry involves spending time in nature.  Our urbanized life means escaping into Mother Nature is a treasure.  Isn't that crazy?  Who would have thought even 10 years ago that people would be paying top dollar to spend time in the woods….or even mimic spending time in the woods.  

How do you connect, ground + rejuvenate?   What do you require to revitalize yourSelf?  To hear the quiet voice inside?  

If rooting among the trees appeals to you and you're not near a forest, create it for yourself.  Burn balsam or fir essential oils, instead of flowers, place boughs in a vase during the winter months, or hang a photo of your favourite tree-lined area. 

It will calm + ground you and provide the grounding energy of nature every day.

Love, Tracy xo

Honest Reflection

Well, it's Dec 31st, and the reality is, ideally, this post would have been put up a week ago.  You see, I found myself in my old habit of shrinking back.  Hiding away and not sharing because, as the old pattern goes, "no one is going to care what I have to say.  Many people are doing this, so I don't want to look like a copy cat."  

Ugh...shut up small voice.  Seriously.

I'm passionate about people creating their life.  Fueling their future through who they really are and what they crave in life.  So fuck, start talking about that.

Seriously though, I swear it's the sugar talking.  Biggest lesson for 2015 Holiday...don't go off the rails and eat sweets like it's The Last Supper.

After a good kick in the arse, I sat to write.

I'm a big fan of reflection.  In this day and age we're moving through life so fast, we often miss the moments that matter.  The moments where we have been 100% ourselves.  Stepped into our power + choice and created our life in that moment.  

In my experience, those moments are often missed.

We choose instead to focus on what didn't happen, where things need improve.

As 2015 comes to a close, reflect upon your year, your moments and savour what you've created as well as what you're carrying that is no longer serving you.  In Igolu we call this the harvest

It's important to harvest. It's been done for centuries as the work of the year was celebrated throughout the holidays with the bounty.

In addition to the harvest, in reflection of the past year, I consider these questions as I move into a new year:

What am I most proud of this year?

What challenges occurred and what did I learn?

How well did I care for myself?  Where did things go sideways and I need to course correct moving forward?

Who stood with me?  Supported me, collaborated and told me the truth when I needed to hear it most?

Were my boundaries strong?  Where can I improve and with whom? 

Did I nurture the relationships that are most important to me?  Which relationships are strong? Which need focus?  Where do I need to cut cords?

What am I letting go of as I move into 2016? (List all things, feelings, people, incidents, etc)  

**Sometimes I write these down and burn them on the balcony.  I'm a huge fan of fire.  It's the Sagittarius in me.

It's important for me to reflect + close our what no longer serves me in order to clear, ground + hold space to create new.

2016 promises to be incredibly exciting.  I'll be spending the next few days creating my vision + goals for the future I'm creating.  Stay tuned to this space for support in doing this for yourself.

Health + Happiness for 2016!

Love, Tracy xo



Giving Guide

Chakra bracelet from By NML.

Chakra bracelet from By NML.

Christmas has always been my favourite time of year.  I love the lights, the buzz in the air, and most of all, taking the time to choose the perfect gift.   I take great pride in the gifts I give.  Over the years they've become more functional than frivolous, with a focus on supporting local shops.  

Here are a list of items that will make anyone smile.  

May Lindstrom Skincare:  The reality is, I love people who are leaders in their industry.  Courageous enough to take a stand for what they believe in, the quality of their product and all that comes with it.  May's Blue Cocoon is the staple of my skin care routine.  In Canada, you can shop local: Eco Diva Beauty, The Detox Market in Toronto + Clementine Fields

Anything Heidi Merrick from Oliver + Lilly's:  As above, Heidi is THE West Coast designer, who stands for Made in America, and artistically-driven designs.  I love that her collection is beautiful + artistic, with a west coast vibe that allows me to wear it every. single. day.  

Matthew Freed Pottery: My first pieces of Matthew's were some custom-made small bowls to hold my crystals at It's Time to Bloom.  I've continued to grow my collection and look forward to seeing him at Granville Island this weekend. 

Richmond Animal Protection Society: Donating to any animal organization is high on my list.  RAPS spent three months nursing sweet Willie back to health, so you can bet your bottom dollar they are receiving back what they've given to us.

Pura Mane Mist:  Lane is a modern day alchemist.  Her beautifully crafted potions are a Made in Canada miracle, especially the Mane Mist.  Somehow this magic has managed to get my crazy, frizzy hair under control.  

Shakti Medicine Bag: A labour of love through a clear vision, these beautiful medicine bags are handmade in Canada.  I treasure mine + love that it means i keep all things sacred close to me at all times. 

The Sleep Shirt:  Three years ago, this was the best investment I ever made.  I  L I V E  in my Sleep Shirt.  It's embarrassing how much I wear it.  

By NML: Intention-filled love.  My long time friend Natasha Lowe has found her love in creating everyday, wearable pieces of jewellery that carry a specific energy + vibration.  If you don't find what you're looking for in her online shop, reach out to her directly as she's more than happy to create a custom piece.

Books, books + more books!:  Banyen Books is one of my favourite places in Vancouver.  Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is at the top of my list this year, as is The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson, Leap of Perception from Penney Peirce, + Wings of Forgiveness by Kyle Gray.  The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is an annual read for me, and makes a great gift for anyone in your life.

Have a wonderful, love-filled holiday season!

Tracy xo

S h i n e….

Short + sweet today as my sense is many of us need to hear this piece from Marianne Williamson's Return to Love.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine.”


The Adventures of Willie

All of your notes + message regarding my last blog have been so heart-warming.  Thank you!

I appreciate all the questions and curiosity around Willie.

In a nutshell, we've had him for 9 months, and he is a different dog!  It was a lot of commitment and patience on our part, and certainly worth every minute.

Read on for more…

The short version: Willie today:

His favorite toy.

His favorite toy.

When we brought Willie home from the Richmond Animal Protection Society last February, his scratching, black skin and poor condition was simply what we could see internally.  Truth is, the poor boy has been on antibiotics or steroids for the better part of 3 years.  According to his vet records, which we were very lucky to have given he was a surrender, he was initially brought to the vet for scratching when he was 11 months old.  He was now 3.5 years old.

For all those years, he'd been cycling through rounds + rounds of antibiotics and steroids to absolutely no avail.

Thus begun my education + learning to use my voice.

I devoured online articles, newsletters and the Westies In Need website + itchy skin e-book.  What I determined, was that Willie had food allergies and most likely a low thyroid.  Both are incredibly common in Westies and contribute to skin issues and hair loss.  It also seemed he had yeast overgrowth from years of medication.

I basically went on leave for three months - we couldn't take our eyes off Willie for a second or he'd be biting + scratching and making himself bleed.  I wasn't sleeping or really even leaving the house.  This poor guy was in trouble and we couldn't leave his side.

It was frustrating, heart-breaking and the biggest challenge of my patience. 

After moving through three vets and being told, that he required steroids because the antibiotics didn't work, I asked for a months worth of thyroid medication.  The argument ensued because Willie's thyroid level was "low-normal" for a dog.  Yet, what I had learned thanks to Corrie at Westies in Need, was that his level was low for a Westie.

I bargained with the vet:  please give me thyroid medication for one month. ( I actually may have been crying at this point too)  If there's no improvement, I'll consider the medication.

Thyroid meds in hand, a new chapter began.

Within three days of the thyroid medication, Willie's scratching improved 70%.  I shit you not.  It was fucking unbelievable.  So simple, yet so effective.

Of course, while his itchiness improved, being off of the antibiotics brought an onslaught of health issues to the surface.  (it's important to note here, I'm doing everything I can to not drop eff-bombs)

You see, antibiotics + steroids, simply suppress issues.  Once the system begins to naturally heal + clear…WOW.

One morning at 3am, Willie shaking his ear woke us up.  It did not sound normal.  It was thick, heavy and gross.  {stop reading here if you have a weak stomach}

His ear was oozing goop, and not some, pretty, cute Gwyneth Paltrow type goop.  It was full-on, this has been pushed down for years and is coming our goop.  

Back to the vet…..and guess what, effing steroids for BOTH ears!  Not only that, recommended for 8 weeks.  EIGHT weeks.

After 4 days, I pitched the bottle.

What I know from leading igolu work is that the body is innately intelligent and my intuition leads, ALWAYS.  Every fibre of my being was telling me to get this guy off the drugs, feed him well, provide the proper supplements, get him outside as much as possible + love him to death.

Holding hands with Mike, that's what we did.  

And miracles happened.  Full on, real life miracles.

Honestly, this dog is an angel.

Slowly, he gained more energy, showed his thankfulness + personality by showering us with kisses and cuddles, began playing with toys, then, more recently, barking.  ALL things he'd never done.

His hair started to come back thicker and healthier than ever.

His eyes changed colour.

His skin turned pink.

He became a dog.

It's been the craziest, wildest ride.  I've learned so much from this guy than I could have ever imagined.  

Mike + I are so happy he's in our family and we could give him the home he deserves.

Tracy xo



Get Clear On Your Year!

They say timing is everything.  Still high from Wednesday's La Luna Social gathering, inspired by my friends Jacki Carr + Matt Hoglund who just launched group igolu sessions, and with the incredible timing of this weeks New Moon in Scorpio, I will be offering igolu level one group sessions for the first time ever!!

For those of you who are curious, you can read my blog about what' I've learned through igolu here.

igolu level one takes on stepping into your personal power + leadership through understanding personal responsibility + choice, getting clear on your legacy, creating a powerful vision + goals, and clearing any blocks that may be holding you back from allowing this next step to take hold.

Truthfully, the timing to consider this for yourself is oh, so perfect.  As Chani Nicholas shared with us this week:

" A new moon in Scorpio* is raw power. A new moon in Scorpio introduces us to ours. A new moon in Scorpio comes with an air of intensity and asks us what we might put the pedal to the metal for. A new moon in Scorpio strips us down and demands that we claim what we are at the core.

Because if we don’t, it is all too easy for the world to hold it against us. Because if we don’t, life has a tendency to talk us out of our dreams. Because if we don’t, we run the risk of never knowing what we came here to become."

For me, the timing of these sessions is particularly important as we harvest all we have accomplished this year, reclaim our power to create through the balance of 2015, and set ourselves up powerfully to manage the holidays + into 2016.

Now for the logistics:

  • We'll begin Tuesday, Nov 24th to work around US Thanksgiving, at 4pm pst / 7pm est and meet weekly for 4 weeks.  
  • Our 90 minute sessions will be via teleconference + recorded in the case you miss a call.  
  • There will be follow up work after each session.  It is required to be complete and ready to be discussed (if you choose) on the upcoming call.
  • You must be willing to be bold, listen deeply to yourself + others, and open to a new way of being for yourself.
  • We'll have a private Facebook group to share, hold each other accountable and be connected throughout the call series.  Once you register, you'll receive the link via email.

Ready to invest in yourself!

Register here: igolu level one call series




The beauty of the unknown...


At the beginning of 2015, I set a goal to spend more time in nature.  To be clear, not simply outside…I'm outside a lot.  My goal was specially to be in nature more often.  Walks by the ocean, hikes up mountains, runs through the trails.

As I tell many of my clients, when you create a vision or have a goal, it's important to not get caught up in the how.  Allow your intuition to guide you rather than your rational mind telling you all the reasons something can't happen.  

Sometimes, people don't include goals, like things they really, really want to happen in their life because they, "Just can't see how it's going to happen".  Learning to trust the power of manifestation + the law of attraction is huge.  When everything aligns, your vision or goal will come to fruition.

Now, let's back track a little.

Mike + I have been together for 14 years.  For AT LEAST 8 of these years I've wanted a dog.  Yet, I travelled too much, Mike had a new business, etc, etc.  I'd all but given up on the goal to be completely honest.

Low + behold, life settled.  And sure as sh*t, the breed of dog I've wanted came up for adoption.  I told Mike and we went for it.  Well, turns out this guy was already fostered, so the chances of getting him were slim to none.

Mike commented that is was probably for the best because our home is limited in space, so a small dog would make more sense.  

Hold.  The.  Phone.  Mike doesn't like small dogs…..

Here's how the next 45 mins played out:

Me: I thought you didn't like small dogs?!

Mike:  I've always loved those little white Westies. My neighbour had one growing up and I always thought they were cute.

Me:  I'm getting on google right now to see if I can find one for adoption.

…cut to 15 mins later….

There's a Westie at Richmond Animal Protection Society.  It says he's special needs, I'm going to see him.

So, 3:30pm on a Friday I jump in the car for the traffic-filled drive.

Once at the shelter, I meet the sweetest dog I've ever seen.  He's wearing a cone + a too big sweater because his hair has fallen out from food allergies + neglect, and his skin is black, itchy and falling off in chunks.

And he is the sweetest thing.  So happy and joyful despite the pain + suffering.

                                            First meeting with Willie.

                                            First meeting with Willie.

After walking him for 45 mins, come back and fill out the paper work, telling the shelter manager, Kara, that I'll be back tomorrow with Mike.

Saturday afternoon, Mike, our friend Madison and I all go out to the shelter.

Sweet Westie remembers me and when released from his crate, jumps up in a new too big sweater to give me kisses galore.

We all walk him and as Mike is lagging behind, I worry we're leaving him at the shelter.

My heart sinks.

At a Starbucks up the street, I run in to grab us all coffee.  (I'm allowing space for Mike to spend some time with Sweet Westie to get to know him)

As I bound out the door, coffees in hand, and ask Mike what he thinks, he says, " I think we should take him home tonight."

I'm stunned.  I start jumping up + down, semi-screaming, semi-crying because I am so excited!!  Sweet Westie is coming home with us!!!

                                                   One of the first days in his new home.

                                                   One of the first days in his new home.

Nine months after that day, I have been for hour long walks on the beach, spent countless hours on the trails and hiked beautiful areas of this province each + every day.

I had absolutely NO idea when I set the goal in January to spend more time in nature, that the HOW would be sweet Willie.

Sometimes, when setting a goal without fully understanding the "how", we can get caught up in logistics.  

The work is trusting yourself + the Universe enough to know when it's aligned + correct for you, goals manifest in the most incredible ways.

Tracy xo

Travel Happy

A stunning sunrise is one of the bonuses of an early morning flight from YVR

A stunning sunrise is one of the bonuses of an early morning flight from YVR

Once upon a time, I traveled three weeks out of every month.  The customs agents + the gate staff became acquaintances - I was on a plane often.  At the time, I loved it. 

People couldn't understand how I did it.  Well, not only did it, enjoyed it.

I've mentioned in previous posts that my life is pretty simply.  The beauty of the simplicity is that it can be transferred anywhere.  

As I get ready to head to LA for an igolu workshop this weekend, my preparation includes what I'll need while I'm there to ensure I'm happy, healthy + nourished.  

What keeps me grounded + connected is maintaining my daily home life + rituals.

Here's how I'm setting myself up:

// green juice from Moon Juice

// bring tonic herbs + rose tea - continuing my morning + midday tonics are the key to stay healthy.

// crystals to clear + cleanse the hotel room - on entering the room i consciously lay my crystals out, then head for a walk while the energy is cleared.

// create a mini altar - a re-creation of the sacred space i have at home.  crystals, oils, photos + meaningful symbols will all adorn my hotel room altar. 

// oracle cards - i pull one each morning to set me up for the day.  It is placed on the altar.

//  chakra cleanse for busy people meditation by Belinda Davidson on my iPhone.

// probiotics to keep up my digestion.

// travel yoga mat - i always make sure i have a class chosen to attend.

// running shoes - there's no better way to see a city + clear my mind than to hit the pavement.

// restaurants + grocery stores near by -. I'll hit up Whole Foods as soon as I get to my hotel, and will probably eat dinner at Real Food Daily each night.

// bed by 930 - proper sleep keeps me clear!  (secretly i'd like to be in bed by 830!)

Knowing what maintains my energy + health is essential anytime, and especially when in a new environment.  What do you require to keep you healthy + happy no matter where you are?

Love, Tracy xo