Self Full

Morning walks with Willie feed my soul...

Morning walks with Willie feed my soul...

There's been a lot of talk lately among my clients + friends about self care.  More specifically, that they (read: we, as I'm included in this) feel guilty for taking time for themselves.

As a person who is strict with boundaries + is clear on what makes me 100% whole as a human being, rest assured, taking time to rest, recharge + rejuvenate each day, is not selfish. It's self-full.

It's taken me a long time to realize this, and I've finally learned the impact on a larger scale.  I absolutely slip some times and put everything + everyone else ahead of me, yet I always come back and balance out.

You see…..

You're on this planet to contribute in a B I G way.

Accept that.

In order to fulfill your life's purpose, you need to be in tip-top share, truly taking care of yourself day to day, in order to avoid burn out.

Recognizing what you require each day to fuel you is essential.  It's different for all of us, so take the time to learn what keeps you clear.  Trust me, your body, friends, family, the planet, will thank you.

You'll be a better leader, friend….human being.  period.

What's important to me:

(it's all very simple)

// wake ups with Mike + our pup

// my morning routine:  coffee, meditation, dry brush, shower

// time outside

// walks in nature (same same as above, yet different)

// green juice or smoothie

// sweating

// tonics for optimum health

// evening walk

// bed by 9:30 (heading to bed when the clock still reads 8 is a dream - no joke)

Create a list of your 5 - 10 non-negotiables.  Those things that absolutely need to occur each day to keep you grounded + connected.

The practice is keeping them non-negotiable.  Daily.  

Practice, not perfection.  

Begin with one.  

Add another.  

Practice + Grow.

Take care of yourself.

Love, Tracy xo



September 2015 - Wind

For anyone who lives in Vancouver, this card is incredibly accurate.  W O W, the wind. 

Related to the full moon we just moved through, the element of WIND is related to Spirit + mind.  

Consider the Wind is like our own Spirit - it can be felt through who we are and how we grow, and yet we cannot touch it.  

(This is something that's been coming up a lot with my clients lately - an understanding that there is an element of incredible strength that cannot be seen, yet brings power to what we create.)

Wind lives in each of us as our breath and other gasses that our body and it's cells require to function.  It also lives as our mind, and the reality we create within ourselves that then may become our reality.  

Wind is a great cleanse from Mother Earth.  It clears and cleanses all energy in all realms - energetic, spiritual and physical.  Within our day to day life, deep breathing has a similar effect, cleansing our cells, minds + spirit, removing stagnant or stuck energy.

Wind energy can be as gentle as summer breeze or as dramatic as the wind storm in Vancouver this past weekend, toppling tress and causing damage.  Wind is able to effect immediate change in clearing old debris.  

Do you require the breeze or the storm-strength wind?

As a guide for September, Wind reminds us to listen to your intuition, in whatever manner it appears for you - Angels, Guides, God.  All of these are forms of your Higher Self providing guidance as the Wind energy brings you clarity and the ability to impact change. 

This month, consider beginning a meditation practice, getting outside regularly, or anything that will allow you to connect to your greater Self.  

The messages are there, this month it's your responsibility to consciously listen.

Love, Tracy xo


Stepping Up

This past Sunday started off as most Sundays - I snuck out of bed, made a coffee and read a little while Mike + Willie continued to snooze.  Right on schedule, everyone was up and at 'em and we were heading out the door for our walk.

A young man was sitting outside our door on a nearby bench.  It was obvious something was off - it was early, the grocery store didn't open for some time, and he had his head down.  Seeing someone else check in on him, we continued on our walk.

An hour later we made the turn towards home….and he was still sitting there.  Head down towards the ground.

We approached and asked him if he needed anything.  He raised his head and opened his eye.  I say eye because his right eye was swollen shut.  In his sweet Irish accent, he said, Thank you very much, but I'm ok…"

It was obvious he was not ok.  Swollen eye, cuts, dirty shirt.  This poor guy was in rough shape.

As we entered our building, my eyes welled with tears - he's far from home and clearly in trouble.  

One of the principles of igolu is Your Body is Innately Intelligent.  While my rational mind was telling me to leave him alone as he said he was ok, my body was screaming DO something!

Making him a coffee, grabbing an ice pack + bottle of water, Mike went back downstairs to see what he really needed.  

Five minutes later, Mike was up to get the car key.

Turns out Peter's phone + bank card were missing, he'd only been in the city 24 hours and wasn't entirely sure how to get back to where he was staying.  Mike drove him back, gave him his business card and told him to call if he needed anything at all.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about Peter all week.  We've intentionally headed toward where he's staying to see if we "bump" into him.  Is he ok?  Did he get in touch with his friends?  Does he have money?

You see, we're all human.  We are all beings on this planet doing the best we can.  Sometimes, something shitty happens.  We may not get jumped + have our shit stolen, yet we need someone to recognize something isn't right.  

We all need to look up every once in a while, notice our fellow man requires a little love + light and BE the one that ignites it.

Every day I am faced with the opportunity to be who I say I am.  It comes in many forms, and I can choose to ignore it, or remain in integrity, face my fear and step up.  

I can allow my mind take me out, or I can listen to my body, my fail-safe guide and create a different outcome for myself and another.

I believe this is why we are here - to connect, create a world where we are for each other.

How are you connecting?

xo, Tracy


I am: An igolu ( i . goal. u ) leader


igolu is a movement.  A choice to stand for others as they live into their vision + goals.


Preparing for an early morning igolu call with a client.

Preparing for an early morning igolu call with a client.

This is who I am each + every day.  Of course I have times when I slip into doubt + fear.  Am I perfectly and always above the line, no.  It is my practice to be a leader, be real and do the work each + every day.

Practice is key.  It takes consistency and commitment to stand for something bigger than myself.

I am an igolu leader in all areas of life, not simply when I'm on calls and facilitating groups.  I stand for people being great, speaking the truth with kindness + being clear that generosity leads every interaction.

Knowing what I stand for is a huge part of my choice to become a certified igolu leader.   The shifts I experienced in my own life when going through the program were, and continue to be so powerful:

+ getting clear on who I am and what I want in life.  I was living so much by what I did not want and so was attracting the incorrect things.

+ creating a vision for my life.  An energetic guide that pulls me forward each day.

+ learning that fear + doubt are gremlins lurking under the surface.  Their job is to hold me back.  My job is to clear them out and remain in a state of faith + patience.

+ Being bold and making requests that are out of the norm to move things forward.  Projects, goals…life.

+ being clear in my listening.  Knowing what my body is telling me (as opposed to me brain) because my body NEVER lies.

+ being clear in my speaking.  Knowing what I require and asking for it with clarity + a definitive timeline.

+ creating a killer playlist that will pull me above the line in those moments when I'm stuck is a must

+ having a board of directors - people I trust implicitly with their words is critical.  My life is better when I know for certain people have my back.

+ anything is possible when i remove the blocks from past experiences that are holding me back.  

+ i am living my future now

+ when i am clear i have the opportunity to pull my future forward.  Things happen lightening fast when I'm a clear channel for what I am creating.

+ my intuition always guides me and never leads me astray.  Staying connected + aligned, doing what I require for myself is what gives me the frequency to listen.

+ I AM / You Are.  I am crystal clear what energy is mine and what's yours.  I will not take it on.  True leadership is being the space for you to work through what is yours.  That experience is for you, not me.

+ there is good + bad energy in the world and that's ok.  Most people are well meaning and have no idea what energy they project.  My work is to be aware + protect myself.

+ trust is earned not given.  This was a tough lesson for me to learn as I grew up trusting everyone.  Lesson learned - not everyone deserves my trust.

Who I am is the possibility for you to create these shifts in your own life.  To see you can have a life of your own creation through clearing the past, and choosing to take inspired action into a future that excites you!  Anything is truly possible when you commit.

If this peaks your interest, check out how to work with me or the igolu website for more information + to find other certified leaders.

All love,

Tracy xo

August 2015 - Azeztulite

As we head into August, we remain in the Storm element.  

This particular card, representing the stone Azeztulite,  signifies Alternate Realities - that our perception of reality is limited by our own beliefs + development.  While the picture in the card is not real (a temple submerged underwater, with UFO-type aircrafts hovering) it does represent what can happen when we allow ourselves to be open to what is possible.  

Azeztulite, a stone I am unfamiliar with, represents the realm of alternate realities.  

It teaches us to be open.  Open to the realities of the plant + mineral kingdom.  That the subtle energies of light, crystals and animals are abundant.  Azeztulite supports us in connecting with everything around us on all levels to elevate the beings we truly are.

This crystal is a type of Quartz.  It is beautifully clear and resembles broken glass.  

It carries a high, fine vibration and, working with our crown chakra + third eye,  reminds us anything is possible.  Allowing us to see more depth + beauty in everything around us, we become aware that anything is possible.  We come to see every circumstance is an opportunity for a greater perspective.  

Azeztulite brings an invitation to open ourselves up to a new view - an expanded version of what we ever thought possible.

This month, let go of anything that you are holding onto.  

You are ready for a higher level of vibration.  

You are ready to shine a light so bright, sharing with the world a new way to love + give of yourself.  Know that now is the time.  The world is waiting for you to grab ahold of your purpose and share your true self.  When you lead the way with your passion, you give others permission to do the same and step outside of themselves in the name of something greater. 

Take the step now.  

Open yourself to connect with what you're being called to share.  

The world is waiting.

Lots of love, Tracy xo

July - Storm

Oopps, I'm only now realizing this did not publish in July.   Here's to more tech savvy back half of the year!

This card indicates a transformational time.  The combination of Earth, water, Wind + Fire combine to create the energy of Storm.  

Storm is a point of perfect balance.  It is creation + destruction all in one.  Which makes sense as  you cannot have creation without the destruction of something - ideals, ego, thoughts, doubts.

Storm brings the energy of rebirth.  Though not always an easy process, necessary in the cycle of life.  We all need to move, shift, develop and grow to be vibrant + alive in this life.  Storm brings a new direction to explore.

This is an active time on all levels - spiritual, emotional + physical.  All experiences will feel the impact of this energy.  While it may be intense, it will be incredibly cleansing and leave space for new experiences to root and grow. 

Inspired action.  Forward movement.  Momentum.  Renewal.  All require the energy Storm brings.

Though it may not initially appear so, this is a time of great blessing.  Change + growth are rarely easy.  Letting go of old beliefs, thought patterns + ideals takes work.  

Stay in the work.  

Allow the Storm energy to clease you and. Receive it with outstretched arms + soak it all in.



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June 2015 - Pyrite

Earth Element | Male Power

Iron Pyrite, also referred to as Fool's Gold, is a stone a get asked about most often.  Many people are pulled towards it's grounding + protective energy.  It provides a safe space from which to take action and people can sense that about it.

Deeply connect to the Earth, Pyrite reflects our need for a balance of male + female.  It's connection to the Sun is necessary to create + encourage life.  Pyrite, with it's golden glow, represents the solar power within the Earth itself.

The energy of Pyrite is growth + movement.  

It is a safe place from which to take inspired action.  As its golden beams of the sun are anchored + protective.  I often tell people having pyrite is like being enveloped in a golden egg of protection.  

It is a driving force that has us act upon our creations.

It is strong + grounding, through it's bright light of inspiration.

Small chunk of pyrite

Small chunk of pyrite

Crystals 101: Where to begin

Full Moon clearing...

Full Moon clearing...

Many people are tip-toeing into the world of crystals and it's absolutely fantastic!  Sharing what I love has been an opening for many of you to ask questions, express interest or simply gaze at these beauties of the Earth.

I have so much passion for this as even if you don't quite understand, you can feel the energy, and that's what counts. 

Common questions keep rolling in, so here are some basics on where to begin: which crystals are best, which support what and how to care for them.

Here's a quick + easy beginners guide with my top five starter stones.  

These pieces of sparkly goodness will cover all the bases: protection, love, grounding, joy + abundance, amplification + clarity.

These are the perfect stones to grow your energetic back up.

Amethyst: the great protector, linked to your third eye chakra, Amethyst is great for intuition, providing insight into things we can't always logically see.  A great crystal for insomnia, many people keep this gorgeous purple stone on their bedside table.

Rose Quartz: the stone of unconditional love.  The soothing stone is a heart opener that is great for evoking love, strengthening relationship and bringing a sense of peace to any situation.  This is a gentle stone who's energy is perfect for any space.

Black Tourmaline: this is a powerful grounding stone.  Connected deeply to the earth, it's protective properties absorb electromagnetic energy making it great to have near your wifi box.  For a long time this stone's energy was too much for me.  Now I appreciate it's strength + use it throughout our house.

Clear Quartz:  the most powerful healing + energy amplifier on the planet.  It absorbs, stores, releases + regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it.  This crystal raises energy to the highest possible level. It takes energy to the most perfect state possible. 

Citrine:  one of my stones for 2015, Citrine is a ray of sunshine.  A master at supporting manifestation, this is the stone of abundance.  Relating to your solar plexus, it balances your power centre, bringing joy + light-filled clarity.  

 Starter kit of tumbled stones.  From the top: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline (raw) + Citrine.  Click here to purchase.


Starter kit of tumbled stones.  From the top: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline (raw) + Citrine.  Click here to purchase.

Stones shift, elevate, clear + provide energy - they are hard at work all the time!  Because of this, they require clearing + cleansing to ensure they are providing the best support possible. Clearing your stones is easy!  

Mother Nature provides us with these beauties, and she also gives us exactly what we need to care for them.

  1. The Sun: place your gems in sunshine and allow the power of the sun to energize + charge up your stones.  Some stones will fade in the sun - Amethyst is a great example - so ensure you're aware of any changes and remove them from the rays.
  2. The Moon:  a full moon is the perfect time to get your crystals outside and allow them to absorb + charge from the power mr. moon has to offer.  A renewed sense of strength + energy will come from an evening bathing in the light and energy of the glowing moon.
  3. Sea Water: incredibly cleansing, simply placing your crystals in ocean water ( or a salt water mix you make at home) will clear + recharge your stones.  Ensure they are rinsed in water fairly soon after the salt water dip so no erosion occurs.
  4. Sage: this cleansing bundle of chosen plants clears + cleanses stones + spaces through it's properties and intention.  I use sage on my crystal grid stones prior to sending them out to their rightful owners.

Having these tips to begin your crystal collection will allow you to experience the energy these little gems provide.  Carrying a mighty impact, start with the basics and leave a comment below if you have more specific questions on stones for a particular shift you require.  I'm happy to provide any insight!

Tracy xo

May 2015 - Malachite

Will | Fire Element

For along time I've had an aversion to Malachite.  For starters, I'm not a huge fan of green, and even moreso, this stone is powerful.

It carries so much power + strength that you must clear + cleanse it after each use.

Containing patterns of dark + light green, Malachite has the ability to clear any influences of ego from your Will so that it aligns our third chakra, or Solar Plexus with the Divine.

This stone teaches us how to correctly apply our innate force of Will to situations around us in order to affect change.  

As Mystic Mamma has shared, the theme for May is New Alignment.  

Malachite as the crystal theme for May supports this by asking us what we can create + manifest through our Divine Will, our HIghest Good.  A new alignment within ourselves so to speak.  This alignment creates a connection deep within yourself + and an alignment like no other.  

When working from this place, we come closer to our calling, and step into work we cannot create alone.  A trust in something greater and a Universal force is required to bring the inspired action into fruition.

Check in with yourself - is your Will aligned with your ego or the Divine?  Allow the energy of Malachite to support the balance and guide you to your greater purpose.  

Your reality will begin to manifest in a new way, opening up new, unexplored pathways.

 My piece of Malachite


My piece of Malachite

Hiding Out….

Sooo, I've been hiding out these days.  

Like really keeping myself flying under the radar.  I keep picturing a puffin, able to take flight yet not soaring.

There are a multitude of reasons - the new pup is taking all my time, I'm busy (original), life is happening and time is flying by so quickly.  (It's already May?!!) All true, and absolutely not the reason.

I comfortably slide back into my story, though a difference version with a twist.  The story that people think I'm weird.  The story that I don't have anything to offer.  That what I'm focusing on is being done.  That I'll look like a copy cat.  

Blah, blah, blah….the same squawking chicken.

It's been a fair-sized chunk of time.

Thankfully I have the tools to recognize what is actually going on + the most amazing group of friends around who've noticed the radio silence + lack of social media presence around what I'm most passionate about.  

Thank fucking god for people who stand for me and hold me to my highest good + sharing my gifts.  

The people who question why. 

The people who push for the real answer and call bullshit if necessary.

You need people like this in your life - if you don't have at least one, go request it of someone!

My time underground has not been without inspiration.  In fact the value of silence and allowing new insight to pour in have been an unexpected bonus from my self-imposed exile from social media.  

It's been bubbling inside for some time, so I'm excited to share what I'm creating as it starts to take shape + unfold. 

All of this to say I'm happy, healthy, had an amazing growth period and will be sharing lots in the coming weeks.

Lots of love on this fine day,

Tracy xo